Title -: Palm Leaves Lord Jagannath Balabhadra And Devee Subhadra
Color -: Multi.
SKU Number -:PTC1013.
Availability -: In Stock.
Item Weight -: 300 Grams.
Product -: 26 X 20 Cms (H XW).
Weight -: 300 Grams.
Primary material -: Palm Leaf.
Other Material Used -: Ply, glass ,Lemon grass ETC.
Design -: Base Red with Lord Ganesh Design.
Type- : Wall Hanging.
About The Product -: Palm Leaf paintings are one of the finest art form of Odisha. This is a special type of painting where the colors are used either to emphasize the painting or to fill up the blank space. Even today religious texts continue to be read out from palm leaf manuscripts rather than from printed books. From this, one can easily imagine how valuable this art form is in our mythology. This painting depicts the Lord of Universe ,Lord Jagannath accompanied by His Sister Lord Subhadra and His Elder Brother Lord Balabhadra. This wall hanging painting will surely look attractive and gorgeous when it is hanged on wall of your office or home. Your home will fill with all the positive vibrations which will also have a positive impact on you. You don’t have to go anywhere else with the three lords offer Their blessings through this art. At Ritikart, we handpicked these arts directly from the artists and wholesalers and promote through our online store so that this ancient and classic art form reaches all the corners of India and world.